What’s Your Problem?


Tooth Wear

Bad Breath

Gum Disease


Missing Teeth


Tooth Decay

IS silent Mouth INFLAMMATION damaging your health?

Dentally Related Health Conditions

Oral inflammation and problems in your mouth are intimately related to a variety of health problems. Click the links below for more information.

Featured Products

Every day is another day that oral inflammation could be damaging your health and putting your teeth at risk.

The data is clear. Inflammation in your mouth (that you may not even know you have) is a leading contributor to almost every disease and thealth problem - including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, lung disease, arthritis and more...

  • Minimize your risk for cancer, heart attack, stroke and many other diseases caused by inflammation in your mouth

  • Minimize the need for future costly and uncomfortable dental treatment

  • Keep Your Teeth Forever

  • Avoid The Discomfort And Embarrassment Of Wearing Dentures Or Partial Dentures?

  • Reduce Continuous Dental Problems Like Decay, Gum Disease, Broken Teeth, or Tooth Wear

  • Find Out What To Do About Any Dental Problem You Have

The truth is...

  • You don't need to lose your teeth and suffer with dentures or partials.

  • You can control your gum disease even if everything else you've tried hasn't worked.

  • You can stop never ending decay problems.

  • You can stop your teeth from wearing away due to clenching and grinding.

  • You can reduce your risk for most inflammation related diseases

Almost all dental problems are preventible. All it takes is gaining some knowledge that you don't have, and doing some things that you aren't doing...

Potential Health Risks From Gum Disease

  • DOUBLE the risk of coronary artery disease

  • 7 TIMES the risk of premature birth

  • 2-3 TIMES the risk of heart attack

  • DOUBLE the risk of kidney disease

  • 63% HIGHER RISK for pancreatic cancer

  • 3 TIMES the risk of heart attack for diabetics

  • Increased risk for stroke

  • Increased risk for Alzheimer’s

  • Increased risk for lung diseases

  • Increased blood sugar problems

  • Increased risk for premature death

  • Increased risk for sexual dysfunction

Simple Optimal Health News

The health of your mouth affects the health of your entire body, and vice versa. That is why on this site we are concerned with your overall health and not just your mouth. We provide the best, cutting edge health articles and information that will help you TAKE ACTION STEPS TOWARDS BETTER HEALTH.

Do You Have Dental Questions?

You can submit any questions you have about anything to Dr Mike and get them answered here.

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Pierquet, unless otherwise noted. Although we strive for accuracy and completeness of information provided, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistencies herein. The information and procedures contained in this and related websites, newsletters, books, and reports are published for information and reference uses only. It is is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice, and in no way should it be considered a substitute for a visit to a qualified dentist, physician or other licensed health care practitioner. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness or condition should be done under the direct supervision of a health care professional and not based on any advice or information provided herein.

The information provided on this and all related websites is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Pierquet and his community. In all cases that you should make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content. Dr Pierquet is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions, procedures, techniques, protocols, remedies, or preparations discussed.

Products discussed on this site are products Dr Pierquet believes will be beneficial for you, however be aware that Dental Health Buzz may receive affiliate commissions and financial renumeration for some third party products, and that Dr Pierquet does sell his own books, videos, etc on this site.
